Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Knowns vs. Unknowns

What scares me now about the economic predicament we are in is that everything that has happened so far is what I consider a "known". All of this has been very predictable to anyone who took the time to research and analyze the wealth of good information that is available. You just have to peel the layers and ignore the main media and government statistical lies. In fact, the upcoming shoes to drop which will continue the spiral are also knowns. This WILL get much worse before it levels off.

The unknowns are what scare me. Terrorist attacks, Iran, Russia and China power plays, famine driven instabilities, hurricanes, earthquakes. None of these things can be anticipated easily. As bad as things are now and will continue to get, if you add one of the "unknowns" to the equation you could see things explode. It's a scary thought that we are teetering on the brink of an economic collapse and not one external unknown has provided much of an impact...yet.

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