Friday, October 3, 2008

Mark to market witch hunt

If mark to market is to blame for banks woes as many of the shills have said, then answer me this. If these assets are really worth more than what the market is bearing, then why isn't the market (which has plenty of capital...Buffet, PIMCO) buying these assets left and right. If something that should be worth 80 is being marked to 40 and you know it is worth 80, then there would be a rush to buy these assets at a discount. The reality is, the smart people (market forces) know the value of this garbage. Price discovery will not happen until the government clearly removes itself from the game. Otherwise, there is no incentive for private equity to step in and no incentive for banks to sell at the low (true) value. Don't fall for the bullshit being spewed by banks, investors and the government. They want the tax payers to prop these assets up for all the wrong reasons.

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