Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Keysian nonsense worldwide...and a rant

Taiwan is handing out $100 in shopping coupons to every citizen (works at registered stores and restaurants). Don't laugh, this idea has been kicked around by officials in the US. It's this type of STUPID BACKASSWARDS logic that is pervasive world-wide. Keynes must be rolling over in his grave as the world's knuckleheads continue to bastardize his legacy and theories. I'm not sure how any good ideas will get implemented, when the overwhelming number of both educated and uneducated leaders rely on unsound and proven to be rediculously ineffective policies, to try and manage this worldwide crisis.


  1. You can't avoid a recession/depression following the greatest worldwide credit bubble in history. It's necessary and good for the long-term health of economies.

  2. Any money used to bailout or stimulate broken economic models is lost and wasted money in the form of taxation without representation. Yes, debt spending is a form of taxation. No, there has been little to no referendum on the majority of these spending decisions.

  3. Keynesian policies of stimulating economies CANNOT work when funded through debt and applied to broken models with insolvent companies.

  4. Sustainable economic growth can only come from internal investment based on savings (not debt based). We have NO savings. That will take years to reverse.

  5. Excessive debt backed by inflated assets must be destroyed either through defaults, bankruptcies or restrustructuring of loans through principle reduction. PERIOD.

  6. You CANNOT target asset prices as a solution to a debt bubble. It only delays the necessary processes of returning to equilibrium. Go ask Japan or the small group of smart economists who were alive during the Great Depression.

  7. We are in DEFLATION. Do not listen to any other BS regarding disinflation, etc. We've been in deflation for almost a year...I called it back then even when almost every single investment bank, economist, central bank and government was calling inflation during the commodity bubble (which I also called).
  8. Most economists, financial analysts, bankers, governement officials, etc...have no clue about how economies work. This stuff isn't rocket science, it's dumbfounding to me the ignorance worldwide.
  9. This ignorance benefits only the wealthy. PERIOD. Does that make it premeditated ignorance? be determined.
  10. There are criminals on both Wall Street and in the federal government who have blatanly lied under oath. Where is justice? If their excuse is they didn't lie, then they should be fired for incompetence and failure to fulfill their duties or removed from office immediately. PERIOD.
  11. This country is full of a bunch of apathetic, lazy, spoiled, selfish fucks. It will take years and maybe a generation to break the back of this lack of initiative and drive. Let's hope free markets and capitalism survive the transition.
  12. We haven't had true free markets or capitalism in this country in decades. Let's give it a try for once.
  13. There are solutions to this crisis. Myself and others have addressed these countless times. Why are governments ignoring these voices? Who benefits from this?
  14. Americans are asleep at the wheel and punishing their kids and their kids' kids because of their apathy. When will they wake-up and force the government to make smart choices that don't ruin the future of their kids through excessive debt?
  15. Voting for Obama was not the wake-up call. It was a great day historically for America, but far from change or a solution. Will people go back to the couch and hope change appears miraculously?

  16. Fact: I'm a ranting lunatic...does anybody even read this anymore?

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