Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Adequately capitalized?

Does anybody else find a problem with Bernanke's statement today regarding the GSE's?

The two mortgage giants are "adequately capitalized," Bernanke said. However, "weakness of market confidence is having an effect" on the companies, making it difficult for them to raise capital.

If the companies are adequately capitalized, then why does it matter if they are having a difficult time raising capital? Why do they need to raise capital at all? This is classic ponzi scheme economics at work and Bernanke is so buried in the pile of shit he spews, he doesn't even realize the absurdity of what he is saying. Basically, these companies need to continue to make loans at the artificial spreads they receive being an implicitly backed government agency. Without that protection the model fails. These companies could never survive if they were true private companies and were exposed to actual market forces in the loan market. It's just absurd to come out and say they are adequately capitalized under that scenario.

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