Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Alarm bells ringing?

I'm starting to hear the faint sound of arms stretching and yawning as the american public starts to wake up to the reality of what is occurring. How the market and any of the bubbleheads could think that in the midst of a credit crisis, that $120+ barrels of oil wouldn't have drastic knock-on effects is beyond me. You don't have to look any further than the news coming from American Airlines to realize what is on the horizon for this country. All of the things that we have come to take for granted as far as freedom to travel and splurge are quickly evaporating. Get ready for cattle-lines at the airports and pay-go services at the airlines. You want to check a bag, that'll be $15. Family of 4...hope you have 1 big f'ing bag or that's another $60 on top of the 50% increase in fare that is coming your way. Can't afford to fly...sorry, driving's not an option either. It's good we have excellent mass transit options...ooooppps...I thought we were in Europe for a second.

Quality of life in the USA just took a giant step down in the past 6 months. The next step is right off the cliff. Anyone hanging on to thoughts of a second half recovery are grasping at thin air. We'll be lucky to avoid an outright collapse of the markets in the next 6 months. If we make it past that, get ready for a solid decade of used goods. I talked about this in earlier rants. We should just cut-off the imports and recycle all of the excess goods that already exist within our borders. I'm starting to think, this is already starting to happen.

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