Thursday, May 22, 2008

Too little...too late

It's been a LONG time since I threw any support towards GW Bush, but I have to admit, his vetos and threats to veto the rediculous crap being sent his way from congress, is spot on. Too bad these are just gestures versus actual accomplishments, but he's finally begun to get his senses on the economic policies. The scary thing is, if a democrat is elected, both the Senate and the House are occupied by brainless, spinelss, bags of flesh and there won't be any impediment to their tom-foolery. McCain is probably no better. I'd rather congress chase it's tail while investigating football, baseball and the next Curling conspiracy. Atleast it keeps them occupied so they don't scheme up and pass the next rediculous economic fiasco. Pelosi has to rank up there with the most incompetant politician to ever waste space on this planet. And I'm being nice. If you don't believe me, just dig up the list of "accomplishments" she boasted about achieving when gaining control of the House. You'd be hard pressed to find one that she hasn't completely and utterly failed and actually caused more damage on. The political landscape in Washington is in dire need of a CTRL-ALT-DEL...and start over.

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