Thursday, September 4, 2008

Babes and Bailouts

It seems that everywhere I look today, all I see are articles about Palin and bailouts. Now I don't mind change and I certainly don't mind Palin strutting her stuff on the Republican ticket, but the increasing talk about bailouts across the board is completely unacceptable. My vote is still going independent unless I can get clear direction from one of the candidates that they WILL not under any circumstances bailout industry after industry. I've written before about the looming bailouts.

Long and distinguished

Now today I see the auto industry asking again for $50 billion in government loans (bailout) to convert to alternative fuel cars. Gross from Pimco is again asking for the Treasury to backstop the housing market. The GSEs have essentially been bailed out or atleast the facility is in place. The airline industry is on the ropes and will be asking soon. Banks are teetering and the FDIC is going to be under water. We already bailed out BS. Who the fuck is next? When does the madness stop. As my momma used to say, "you can't get a little bit pregnant." Once you dip your toe into socialist waters, it get's harder and harder to stay dry. The more bailout talks that circulate, the longer this crisis will take as the price discovery mechanism in the free market becomes even more broken.

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