Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Roubini Misses the Boat on Regulation

Roubini Misses the Boat on Regulation

This is a must read by Mish, one of the bloggers I respect most and follow religiously. He discusses the Roubini commentary I touched on yesterday and follows it up with some masterful insights. If you've read my most recent posts, you will see some strikingly common threads between his post and mine. Mish really, really gets this stuff though at its core. I'm getting better and I think I've got a pretty good grasp on what is happening, but he really is spot on.

Far too many people are focusing on the symptoms of this mess and not the ultimate cause. You can't keep treating symptoms while the cancer continues to grow unabated. You have to focus on the cause. The President, candidates for President, current Congress, Bernanke, Paulson, the Federal Reserve and all their cronies WILL NOT address the cause. We the people will need to stand-up and shake up the political spectrum if we are to avoid a continuing deterioration of this country for years and years to come.

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