Friday, September 19, 2008

The time to rant...

The government is now officially planning on crossing the line. The same idiots who got us into this mess are now responsible for loading the damage onto tax payers at an alarming cost to both our wallets and the principles this country were founded on. Ignore the consequences at your own risk, but do realize that each vote and your vocal denouncement of bi-partisan government policies do matter. If I stand alone in being sick to my stomach right now, I fear that the ignorant bliss of the lambs has sealed our fate.

Our government is blindly shooting at the hip right now and following almost the identical failed playbook from the Great Depression. These leaders had years to implement the changes to avoid this mess, yet we blindly follow their lead when they take mere days and hours to fix a catastrophe. Their solution is to massively backstop private losses with tax payer money without considering the long term ramifications. This is a stop gap measure only, with irreversible repercussions on the tax payer. It fails to solve the underlying problem and only delays the outcome. It ensures, however, who will be responsible to pick up the pieces. You the taxpayer (I'm still on the fence as to whether I'm a taxpayer this year).

These banks and financial companies have been bleeding the economy of 100s of billions of dollars in bonuses and salaries over the last decade, selling and packaging the exact crap that the tax payer is now going to be responsible for subsidizing. That's $1000s of dollars out of each of our pockets supporting the debt that 100s of people made millions and billions personally off selling. That is akin to an electrical company willfully wiring a government building with materials they knew would cause a fire and having absolutely no repercussions. If the government is to backstop ANYTHING...the individuals responsible for this mess must be held accountable with both their wallets and there freedom. Anything less and we might as well live in China and Russia as the principles of this country aren't worth shit.

Each and everyone of you who stays quiet is willingly handing over your personal checking account for the government to blindly write blank checks to support this mess. At this point, we are straying so far away from the principles that made this country so great, that I have no idea what it means to be a patriot and lover of our country. Is it to blindly hand over my checkbook for the good of the masses as in communism...or is it to stand up and challenge the powers that have willfully, recklessly and unlawfully allowed this to happen?

If I change just one opinion and awaken just one person to join in dissenting against the bi-partisan travesty that is occurring, at least I have done something. To stand by quietly with blank check in hand and a vote for either McCain or Obama is to accept the fate of a leadership that stands for nothing that this country was founded on.

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